
If you have any queries or comments then you can use the form below to get in contact.

If you would prefer not to use the online contact form then you can email Plymouth Synagogue directly at




Key Contacts


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Useful contacts

Chevra Kadisha     Mrs. Pat Goodman                                      01752661710

Honorary Secretary      Mrs. Anna Kelly                                            01822614203

Honorary Treasurer  and Interfaith Co-ordinator  Dr. Peter Lee 01822612281

Membership and Marriage Secretary Mr. John Hirshman          01752226327 

Visitors Booking Secretary             Mrs Anna Kelly                        01822614203

Caretaker Mr Jerry Sibley                   mobile                    07753267616

                                                                landline            01752-263162

Burial Directors Walter Parson (24 Hour number)             01752 767676       

 (Ask for Mr Keith Parson) 

Our Caretaker is greatly valued. He gives 200% over and above his duties. We consider him our Shamas.  * A Shamas (שמש) is a person who assists in the running of a synagogue as Mr Sibley does and he ensures that its many and varied needs are excellently met. 

His mobile is: 07753267616 and his landline is 01752-263162 

Visits to the Plymouth Synagogue SEE BELOW: Except Private Visits -  contact Mr Sibley - see above.

 Schools, Educational Establishments and/or Study Groups Instructors, who wish to arrange visits to the Plymouth Synagogue, please contact the Plymouth Centre for Faiths and Cultural Diversity who handle our bookings on Tel: 01752 254438 or visit their web site at


 Researchers of their Jewish family history in the South West:

 I'm sorry I do not have time to research for the many people who want to find out about their ancestors.  I am a 73 year old unpaid secretary for the committee of the Congregation.  That is why I have put the links below to help you find out more info if possible.

 Try this link to Rabbi Susser's Archives of Jewry in the South West

You could try Plymouth and West Devon Record Office Archives and records on:
For details of those buried in the Gifford Cemetery, the list of files are too many to display on this web site, ring the Honorary Secretary to obtain further information. Phone numbers above, on this page.